Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 20 October 2022

    EDI statistics

    1. As a total across whole of UKRI, and also broken down by the Research Councils, Research England, and Innovate UK:

    a. How many employees do you have?

    b. How many are women?

    c. How many are aged under 35?

    d. How many are disabled?

    e. How many are LGBTQ+?

    f. How many are BAME?

    g. How many are black British?

    h. How many are British Pakistani?

    i. How many are British Muslim?

    j. How many are British Somali?

    k. How many are British Indian?

    l. How many are British Bangladeshi?

    m. How many are British Turks?

    n. How many are British Iranian?

    o. How many are British Muslim women?

    p. How many are disabled British Muslim women?

    q. How many are LGBTQ+ Muslims?

    r. How many are British Muslim women aged under 35?

    s. How many British Muslim employees are on full-time permanent contracts?

    t. How many British Muslim women employees are on full-time permanent contracts?

    u. How many British Muslim women aged under 35 are on full-time permanent contracts?

    v. How many disabled British Muslim women employees are on full-time permanent contracts?

    w. How many LGBTQ+ Muslim employees are on full-time permanent contracts?

    x. How many British Muslim women employees are on full-time fixed-term contracts?

    y. How many British Muslim women employees are on part-time permanent contracts?

    z. How many British Muslim women employees are on part-time fixed-term contracts?

    2. A) How many staff work in the communications, media and public engagement teams?

    B) How many communications, media and public engagement staff have you recruited since 2018?

    For both A) and B):

    a. How many are white?

    b. How many are BAME?

    c. How many are British Pakistani?

    d. How many are British Bangladeshi?

    e. How many are British Somali?

    f. How many are British Afghan?

    g. How many are EU migrants?

    h. How many are non-EU migrants?

    i. How many are black British?

    j. How many are British Muslims?

    k. How many are aged under 35?

    l. How many are disabled?

    m. How many are LGBTQ+?

    n. How many are British Muslim women?

    o. How many are disabled British Muslim women?

    p. How many are LGBTQ+ Muslims?

    q. How many are British Muslim women aged under 35?

    Published: 1 February 2023

  2. Request Received: 20 October 2022

    UKRI Policy, Agreements, and Strategy

    1. Please send me a copy of this MoC:

    2. Please send me the communications and engagement strategy:

    3. Please send me a copy of the UKRI Modern Slavery Annual Statement 2020-2021.

    Published: 1 February 2023

  3. Request received: 13 October 2022

    I would like details of the outcome of a survey entitled "International Postgraduate Student Mobility Questions for UKRI DTP/CDTs" that was sent out on 31 May 2022.

    Please send me the following information:

    1) how many people was the survey sent to for purposes of getting a response to the questions?

    2) how many people responded?

    3) how many responded YES to the first question on the survey? (the question was: Are you aware of any issues or challenges for international students participating in the DTP/CDT scheme since the 30% cap was introduced?)

    4) how many responses mentioned "ATAS" or "Academic Technology Approval Scheme"?

    Published: 31 January 2023

  4. Request received: 20 October 2022

    Since 2018, how many meetings have the Chair and Chief Executive had with:

    1. Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid, Nadine Dorries, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Michael Gove, Andrew Rosindell, Jonathan Lord, Andrea Leadsom, Amber Rudd, Theresa May, Esther McVey, Liz Truss, Kwasi Kwarteng, Stephen Barclay, Kemi Badenoch, Penny Mordaunt, Ben Wallace, Priti Patel, Michelle Donelan, Victoria Prentis, Ed Vaizey, David Cameron, George Osborne, Sue Gray and the Head of the Civil Service?

    2. Louise Richardson, Chris Patten, Eugene Rogan, Ngaire Woods, Avi Shlaim, Karen O'Brien, Andrew Fairweather-Tall, Victoria McGuinness, Elleke Boehmer, Philip Bullock, Kirsten Gillingham, Margaret Macmillan, Roger Goodman, Helen Ghosh, Helen King, Helen Mountfield, Mahmoud Hawari, Karma Nabulsi, Sila Ulucay, Hande Yalnizoglu, Emre Caliskan, Suliman al-Atiqi, Michaela Livingstone-Banks, Lesley Patterson, Xa Sturgis, Laura van Broekhoeven, Geraldine Johnson, Said Business School and Kirsten Shepherd-Barr?

    3. Investcorp?

    4. the Fabian Society, Olivia Bailey, Phil Mutero and Alex Sanderson?

    5. US, Chinese, Saudi, Bahraini, Swiss, EU, French, Canadian, Kuwaiti, Pakistani, Israeli, Qatari, Dutch, Swedish, Iranian, Turkish and Moroccan government representatives?

    6. the Vice-Chancellor of Exeter University, Gareth Stansfield, Sajjad Rizvi, Rob Gleave, Ilan Pappe, Lise Storm, Fatima Rawan, Omar Ashour, Ian Netton, Yara Hawari, Maziyar Ghiabi, Billie-Jeanne Brownlee, Matteo Legrenzi and Nesrin Amin?

    7. Universities UK?

    8. the Director of SOAS, Arshin Adib-Moghaddam and Valerie Amos?

    9. Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, Thames Valley Police, Surrey Police, Devon Police, the Met Police, Cherwell District Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse Council, Woking Borough Council and Surrey County Council?

    10. Katherine Viner and Alun Rusbridger?

    11. Keir Starmer, Anneliese Dodds, David Evans, Bridget Philipson, Pat McFadden, Dan Carden, Rachel Reeves, David Lammy, Naz Shah, Afzal Khan, Shabana Mahmood, Anas Sarwar, Rosena Allin-Khan, Apsana Begum, Bell Ribeiro-Addy / the Labour Party?

    12. Layla Moran MP?

    13. Richard Dearlove, MI5, MI6/SIS and GCHQ?

    14. Hosnieh Djafari Marbini, Oxford University Hospitals and Dr Hargreaves (trauma)?

    15. GMC?

    16. the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine?

    17. Gordon Brown?

    18. Lord Roy Kennedy, Baroness Janet Royall and Lord Iain McNicol?

    19. Tony Blair?

    20. Roy Rickhuss / Community union?

    21. UNISON / Christina McAnea?

    22. Frances O'Grady, Paul Nowak / the TUC?

    23. the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University and the Principal of Homerton College?

    24. the Board of Deputies?

    25. Labour Friends of Israel?

    26. Luciana Berger?

    27. We Believe in Israel?

    28. Conservative Middle East Council?

    Please send minutes of the meetings

    Published: 31 January 2023

  5. Request received: 17 October 2022

    I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    Please could you supply me with a breakdown of the funding awarded to plastic chemical recycling projects over the past ten years. I would like the amounts awarded, the date, the name of the project and the company behind it.

    Chemical recycling is also known as advanced recycling and covers technologies including pyrolysis, gasification and chemical depolymerisation.

    Please could you provide me with as much of this documentation as you have.
    I would like the above information to be provided to me in an excel spreadsheet.

    Published: 31 January 2023

  6. Request Received: 12 October 2022

    This is a request for information that relates to the organisation's contracts around ICT contract(s) for Server Hardware Maintenance, Server Virtualisation Licenses and Maintenance and Storage Area Network (SAN) Maintenance/Support, which may include:

    · Server Hardware Maintenance- contracts relating to the support and maintenance of the organisation's physical servers.

    · Virtualisation Maintenance/Support/ Licensing (VMware, Solaris, Unix, Linux, Windows Server)

    · Storage Area Network Maintenance/Support (EMC, NetApp etc)

    For each of the type of contract described above, please can you provide me with the following data. If there is more than one contract, please split the information for each separate supplier this includes annual spend

    1. Contract Title: Please provide me with the contract title.
    2. Type of Contracts (ABOVE): Please can you provide me with one or more contract types the contract relate to: Server Hardware, Virtualisation, SAN (Storage Area Network)
    3. Existing/Current Supplier: Please provide me with the supplier's name for each contract.
    4. Brand: Please state the brand of hardware or software
    5. Operating System / Software (Platform): (Windows, Linux, Unix, vSphere, AIX, Solaris etc.) Please state the operating system used by the organisation.
    6. Annual Average Spend: Please provide me with the most recent annual spend for this contract?
    7. Contract Duration: (Please can you also include notes if the contract includes any contract
      Extension periods.)
    8. Contract Expiry Date: Please can you provide me with the date of when the contract expires.
    9. Contract Review Date: (An approximate date of when the organisation is planning to review this particular contract.)
    10. Purchase of Servers: Could you please provide me with the month and year in which most/bulk of servers were purchased.
    11. Number of Physical Server: Please can you provide me with the number of physical servers.
    12. Number of Virtual Servers: Please can you provide me with the number of Virtual servers' servers.
    13. Brief Contract Description: I require a brief description of the service provided under this contract. Please do not just put maintenance. I need at least a sentence.
    14. Contract Owner: (The person from within the organisation that is responsible for reviewing and renewing this particular contract. Please include their full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.)

    If this service is part of a managed contract, please can you send me the contract information for this managed service including Hardware Brand, Number of Users, Operating System, and contact details of the internal contact responsible for this contract.

    Further Clarification received 2 November:

    This request is for Arts and Humanities Research Council and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

    Published: 31 January 2023

  7. Request Received: 8 December 2022

    Clean Marine Demonstration Competition Round 3.

    1. How many applications for this competition were there?

    2. How many applications were ruled out of scope?

    3. How many applications in each strand were short-listed?

    4. What was the lowest mark of any project in each strand short-listed?

    5. What was the highest mark of any project in each strand not short-listed?

    Published: 31 January 2023

  8. Request received: 21 October 2022

    I am looking into UK-funded tech projects. I appreciate this is a very broad topic. However, I noticed on your website (which is superb btw), that you have access to public information on grant/fund competition winners, the link to which is below:

    Unfortunately, I can only find this for the years 2014 and 2015 (as attached). Do you have access to such information for more recent years, such as 2016 to 2022?

    What I am interested in is which companies (not just the lead, but all companies involved) were awarded funds.

    I also read in the FOI page the results of UK-China Partnerships funding. Do you have more information in relation to other UK-China funding partnerships between the years 2012-2022? I have attached the one from 2014 also as a reference.

    If so, I would be grateful if I would be able to access them as it is invaluable to my research.

    Published: 31 January 2023

  9. Request received: 19 October 2022

    For each of the last three rounds of both Smart Grants and Biomedical Catalyst Grants, what proportion of the total project cost consisted of subcontract costs.

    I'd like this information for successful grants only. For the smart grants, if you're able to further break that information down by grant topic area (life sciences, transport, creative industries for example), that would be great. However, this is less essential.

    Published: 31 January 2023

  10. Request Received: 22 November 2022

    I am looking for information on the PEMD strand of grant funds: in particular the driving the electric revolution grant. Can you please advise:

    The number of applications.

    The number of assessed applications.

    The number of successful applications.

    The success rate.

    The minimum successful score.

    The maximum successful score.

    Maximum score of failed applications.

    Average grant fund value per project.

    Average score of funded projects.

    Your assistance is appreciated.

    Published: 30 January 2023