Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 2 November 2022

    I am currently researching the digitalisation of the UK's public sector - with a focus on committee meeting technology. I wanted to ask a few questions regarding this:

    1. How do you manage your meetings (organise agenda, minutes etc)? Do you use a committee meeting management software such as a board portal (CMIS, Modern.Gov, iBabs etc) or just emails etc?

    2. If yes, what is the name of the supplier?

    3. If yes, what is the contract expiry and contract review date?

    4. How many users are on the board portal/management solution, and how much do you spend on this?

    5. What is your cost per user?

    Could I also kindly ask for contact details for the best lead regarding this?

    Published: 3 January 2023

  2. Request Received: 7 September 2022

    For the Biomedical Catalyst 2022 Round 1: Industry-led R&D competition, for both the <£500k and >£500k projects:

    1.The number of applications

    2.The number of successful applications

    3.The success rate

    4.The minimum successful score

    5.The maximum successful score

    6.Maximum score of failed applications

    7.Average grant fund value per project

    8.Total funds allocated

    9.The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % and number of applications which scored 0 - 70, 70.1 - 75, 75.1 - 80, 80.1 - 85, 85.1 - 100)

    10.The cut off /minimum score required for invite to interview (>£500k projects)

    Published: 3 January 2023

  3. Request Received: 3 October 2022

    Please could you tell me how many in total scholarships the doctoral training partnerships award, and if possible how many per partnership, awarded by each of the 12 councils.

    Clarification received: 7 October 2022

    I am trying to ascertain how many scholarships are available particularly for TECHNE and AHRC Masters and PhD combined funding, and how many overseas students are successful in relation to home students.

    Published: 3 January 2023

  4. Response Received: 13th September

    I would like to request the following information under the freedom of information act:

    * Number of applications submitted to the Horizon Europe Guarantee as of 10 September 2022
    * Number of applications rejected under the Horizon Europe Guarantee as of 10 September 2022
    * Number of applications funded under the Horizon Europe Guarantee as of 10 September 2022.

    Published: 3 January 2023

  5. Request Received: 12 September 2022

    If the information is available and you are able to share it, could you please answer the following requests:

    For the Innovate UK 'Fast Start: Innovation' Competition, 11 July 2022 opening date:

    1. The number of applications
    2. The number of successful applications
    3. The success rate
    4. The minimum successful score
    5. The maximum successful score
    6. Maximum score of failed applications
    7. Average grant fund value per project
    8. Total funds allocated
    9. The score distributions of the applications (i.e. % and number of applications which scored 0 - 70, 70.1 - 75, 75.1 - 80, 80.1 - 85, 85.1 - 100)

    Published: 3 January 2023

  6. Request Received: 27 September 2022

    Please could you provide the following information with regard to the Biomedical Catalyst rounds in 2021 and the latest round 1 in 2022.

    1. Total number of applications
    2. Number of assessed applications (not disregarded due to being deemed out of scope etc)
    3. Number of applications funded
    4. Number of applications funded per 'innovation area'
    5. Average funding amount per project
    6. Smallest and largest amount of funding per project
    7. Average score
    8. Success threshold
    9. Number of re-submissions and number that were successful in each round.
    Please provide as much information as possible from the above for each round in 2021 and 2022.

    Published: 3 January 2023

  7. Request Received: 5 October 2022

    Currently looking into the geographical distribution of funding on the UKRI website.

    Is this information available at a more granular level? Its currently at the NUTS1 level but wondering if it could be as granular as LEP's or local authorities. Any idea if this is available or where I could look for this?

    Published: 3 January 2023

  8. Request Received: 23 September 2022

    I am trying to better understand the funding process, and portfolio approach of Innovate UK.

    For the following competition could you kindly provide:
    Biomedical Catalyst 2022 Round 1: industry-led R&D

    (Competitions opened: Monday 28 March 2022, Competition closed: Wednesday 25 May 2022).

    Split into the 2 strands where possible:
    · Project with an overall requested grant of up to £500,000
    · Project with an overall requested grant of over £500,000

    Application Data:
    1. The total number of applications.
    2. The total number of applications ineligible for assessment.
    3. The total number of successful applications.
    4. The total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application.
    5. The total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application.
    6. The score of the lowest scoring funded project.
    7. The score of the highest scoring funded project.
    8. The score of the highest non-funded project.
    9. The average (mean) score of funded projects.
    10. Average grant fund value of funded projects.
    11. The number of assessed applications by research category.
    12. The number of successful projects by research category.
    13. The number of applicants invited to an interview.
    14. The total number of separate interview panel days.
    15. Was any portfolio / thematic selection performed by the separate interview panels; and the categories which were used if appropriate.
    16. If there was a portfolio /categorised approach used in the interview process, the number of interviews, and successful applications for each panel.
    17. The total number of funded projects which were presented in the interviews.
    18. The score of the lowest scoring funded project presented in the interviews.
    19. The score of the highest scoring funded project presented in the interviews.
    20. The score of the highest non-funded project presented in the interviews.
    21. The average (mean) score of funded projects which were presented in the interviews.

    Published: 3 January 2023

  9. Response Received: 25 November 2022

    For Innovate UK's Farming Innovation Programme- feasibility projects competition (2021), please could you release the following information:

    1. The number of applications.
    2. The number of assessed applications.
    3. The number of successful applications.
    4. The success rate.
    5. The minimum successful score.
    6. The maximum successful score.
    7. Average score of failed applications.
    8. Average grant fund value per project.
    9. Average score of funded projects.
    10. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).
    11. The count of assessed applications by industry subsector (livestock, plants, novel food production systems, bioeconomy and agroforestry).
    12. The count of successful projects by industry subsector.
    13. The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 2 partners

    14. The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 3 partners

    15. The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 4 or more partners.
    16. The number of successful projects that had a university partner.
    17. The number of applicants that had a university partner.
    18. The number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 16 December 2022

  10. Request Received: 03 October 2022

    I am looking for some assistance with your organisation's Spend/Transparency data, available on the following weblink:

    There appears to be no file available for the month of June 2022. Could you advise when the file will be made available to view online? Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the June 2022 file.

    Published: 12 December 2022