Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 30 March 2022

    Clarification Received: 8 June 2022

    Would you please be able to provide all written communication between yourselves and BEIS/the cabinet office regarding removing pay progression within bands and trying to re-introduce pay progression starting from 2015.

    Agreed email searches to consist of:

    Search 1:

    Keywords: "pay progression" OR "pay growth within a band" AND participants:

    Date: 1 April 2021 - 21 April 2022

    Locations: All mailboxes on the UKRI tenancy

    Search 2:

    Keywords: "pay progression" OR "pay growth within a band" AND participants:

    Date: 1 April 2018 - 21 April 2022

    Locations: Reward Team (9 UKRI individuals email accounts)

    Published: 3 August 2022

  2. Request Received: 20 April 2022

    We wish to establish a few things about your current contract(s) for Service Management software to make sure we contact the appropriate people at the best time to minimise the disruption to their work.

    This may relate to a single Enterprise Service Management (ESM) software, for example, covering IT, HR, Facilities, etc, or separate systems for each of these areas. If you operate separate systems for each area please provide details for each system used.

    The details that would help us for each software contract are:

    1.Which service area does the system cover (i.e. IT, HR, Facilities, etc)

    2.What is the term of the current contract and when is the next renewal date?

    3.What is the current solution in use?

    4.How far in advance of this date would you typically start to engage with suppliers (i.e. informal engagement rather than any formal tender process)

    5.Who is responsible for the decisions relating to reviewing whether to renew the software contract? (i.e. Business contact, e.g. Head of IT, Head of HR)

    Any assistance with the above would be much appreciated so that we can ensure we communicate in a timely and effective way.

    Published: 1 August 2022

  3. Request Received: 14 March 2022

    This FOI request relates to the promotion of policy to public bodies and the "Developing Good Practice within Higher Education: Student Sex Work, Safety and Inclusion" project at the University of Leicester (the 'Leicester sex work project') that has been funded by the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) at the University of Leicester.

    Professor Teela Sanders is the lead academic on the 'Leicester sex work project' and according to your website, she is also a member of your Strategic Advisory Network (SAN).

    1. Was Teela Sanders involved in any way in the approval of the 'Leicester sex work project'?

    2. Was Teela Sanders' membership of the SAN a factor in the approval of the 'Leicester sex work project'?

    3. Is it usual for the ESRC to fund projects, like the 'Leicester sex work project', that are primarily focused on promoting policy to public bodies?

    4. If so, when was the decision made to fund the promotion of policy to public bodies? Was Teela Sanders involved in that decision?

    5. If not, why and how was the 'Leicester sex work project' approved? What contributed to its approval?

    6. If ESRC-funded projects involve the promotion or recommendation of policy to public bodies, are those policies or recommendations required to conform strictly to the law of the land and the Equality Act 2010, including its public sector equality duty (PSED)? If not, why not?

    7. If so, what steps does the ESRC take to ensure that such policies or recommendations conform to the PSED and do not risk negatively impacting people with protected characteristics or the relationships between those with and without such protected characteristics, and that they do in fact promote the advancement of people with protected characteristics and contribute to improvements in equality?

    Published: 1 August 2022

  4. Request Received: 20 May 2022

    I am now making an FOI request, specifically please give the full name of the 'ROMB' referred to in the response you sent to my SAR, a copy of their remit, terms of reference or any other information corresponding to their roles, and, if possible, a list of the current membership.

    Published: 28 July 2022

  5. Request Received: 19 May 2022

    RE: Rothay Holme Industrial Unit, AMBLESIDE, LA22 0SW

    I am undertaking some environmental due diligence checks for the above referenced Site (reference 5 on the plan). I was hoping you could answer the following questions (1-5) with reference to the aforementioned Site and include any other details you may hold regarding the landfill which potentially encroaches the Site and is registered under Reference BGS Recorded Landfill 2883 'Council depot'.

    1. What information do you hold about the operation of the landfill(s), including the dates of operation, operators and construction design of the landfill, including how the landfill was completed? (please provide as much information as possible)

    2. Please provide information relating to the nature and depth of fill materials.

    3. What information do you hold relating to the contamination status of the landfill, including information from soil, gas and groundwater investigations? Is the landfill still known to be producing gas, and if so, have surrounding properties been affected by gas migration?

    4. Do you have any information or concerns regarding groundwater quality in the vicinity of the Site and whether it has been adversely affected by leachate?

    5. Do you have any information or concerns regarding surface water quality in the vicinity of the Site and whether it has been adversely affected by leachate?

    Published: 28 July 2022

  6. Request received: 18 May 2022

    The OME and HBBE at Newcastle University

    1. Can you tell me what proportion of the £8 million awarded to the Newcastle University HBBE was spent on construction of the OME building?

    2. Can you tell me what evaluation of the OME building and research has been carried out to date?

    3. Can you tell me whether UKRI has carried out any value for money appraisal of the OME project?

    4. Can you state what view has been taken by UKRI about the fact that the building, meant to prototype bio technology and biological materials, has been constructed out of concrete and metal and other non-biological/bio-based materials. Does this comply with the conditions of the grant?

    5. On the OME HBBE web site it says "The exterior of the building has been designed so experimental material samples can be easily installed for testing and whole sections of the internal and external walls can be replaced with new forms of construction". Can you state what evidence you have that whole sections of the walls can be replaced as they are made of solid concrete?

    6. Can you state what experimental biological materials have been installed and tested?

    7. Having arranged several weeks in advance to visit the OME building. I was refused access at very late notice on the basis that everyone was too busy to show me round. I was only able to view the building from the outside. Can you state if you have made any stipulations that the OME should be accessible to researchers like myself to visit?

    Published: 25 July 2022

  7. Request received: 19 April 2022

    Please detail the annual cost the relationship between Researchfish and UKRI costs.

    Published: 20 July 2022

  8. Request Received: 24 August 2021

    I am looking for information about bullying and sexual harassment complaints made by civil servants. Please could you provide me with the following:

    1. How many civil servants have made complaints that they have been bullied or sexually harassed by another civil servant/staff member in the last three calendar years (up to and including August 2021)? To be clear, I'm asking for information for 2019, 2020 and 2021. Please could you break this information down by year and gender.

    2. How many civil servants/staff have faced civil service disciplinary investigations as a result of an accusation of bullying or sexual harassment made against them by a civil servant in the last three calendar years (up to and including August 2021)? Please could you break this information down by year, gender. In each case, please could you state whether any misconduct was found and, if so, what type of disciplinary action was taken including verbal/written/final warnings, suspension, dismissal etc.

    3. Re Sexual Harassment: Please could you state in any of the sexual harassment cases above whether the police were notified of the staff member's sexual harassment complaint/if any investigation/charges were brought. Please could you break this information down by year.

    Clarification received 2 September 2021:

    Please proceed with the request on the basis I am asking for information about all of councils and about UKRI employees

    Published: 20 July 2022

  9. Request Received: 25 April 2022

    For the Innovate UK Smart Competitions in May 2021, October 2021 and January 2022, and where the relevant statistics are available, could you provide.

    • Total number of applications

    • Total number of winning applications

    • Threshold for funding

    • Total complaints about proposal assessment by companies

    • Total complaints about proposal assessment by companies that were upheld

    Published: 4 July 2022

  10. Request Received: 18 March 2022

    Good morning,

    Would you kindly advise if you hold correspondence exchanged between yourselves and the UK Adviser [Lord Geidt] of Theia Group, Inc (satellite and telecommunications services)? If such correspondence is held would you please supply me with a copy of any releasable material exchanged.during the period from 29 January 2018 to 8 November 2021? I do not have an address for the UK office.

    I am also interested in obtaining a copy of any document initiating contact between UKRI and the company office in the US, any proposal or request for cooperation, funding or UK participation in a Master Partner Programme (MPP) and any response, either supportive or not, from UKRI to the company between 1 January 2015 and 8 November 2021. If such is held then please advise and, if you do hold such, I request to be provided with a copy.

    To assist you in meeting this request it may be helpful for you to know that Theia Group Inc and its subsidiaries, Theia Aviation LLC and Theia Holdings A, Inc were placed in receivership on 8 November 2021. The recent receiver's update to the US court is attached. It makes reference to the MMP. Prior to the appointment of the receiver the Theia Group Inc main US office was:

    1455 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 600, Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, 20004, United States:

    Their Registered Office was:

    1600 Market Street Suite 1320 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, United States.

    They also used these addresses:

    110 Buck Road, Suite 1320. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 and c/o Meridican, Inc 111 Buck Rd Unit 500 Ste 1 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

    Thank you for your assistance in dealing with this request.

    Published: 1 July 2022