Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 1 March 2022

    I am enquiring to ask if the BBSRC keeps a record of which of academics attend panel meetings. We would like to identify Leicester academics engaged in BBSRC peer review, and to use this internal expertise to help us further improve our BBSRC funding culture and bid quality.

    I can see from BBSRC information that here at Leicester we have a number of Full College Members and several within the Pool of Experts as well. We are interested in assessing this cohort, in terms of the following three things:

    1. No. of reviews completed for BBSRC in last 3 years

    2. No. of panel meetings attended over last 3 years

    3. Type of panel meeting / grant scheme attended

    May I ask, do you have access to a data set that would allow the above information to be generated? This would be a massive help.

    Clarification received 25 March 2022

    Please clarify whether on question 1. No. of reviews completed for BBSRC in last 3 years, you are seeking information on the number of grant proposals at BBSRC Committee meetings that were assigned to and assessed by University of Leicester members of the cohort of full college members and pool of experts, or if you would like information on the number of reviews completed by external peer reviewers.

    I am looking for information on the former (I assume the latter is confidential information). So the number of University of Leicester members who were on the Panels as full committee members or used from the pool of experts.

    Published: 1 July 2022

  2. Request Received: 15 March 2022

    Thank you for your response to the below FOI request which I sent early last month.

    Please could you now provide answers to these two related questions? I am happy if you log this as a fresh FOI request but if it's easier for you then please do just reply as part of the original one.

    1. Regarding the office or workplaces identified in your earlier response to me, how many people were recorded as having entered the building on Monday 14th March?

    2. Does your organisation have a current policy regarding how much time staff must spend in the office? This may be known as the hybrid working policy, return to office policy working from home policy or similar. If so, please supply a copy or if it is easier then please summarise it. An example of what such a summary may look like is available here

    Published: 1 July 2022

  3. Request Received: 8 March 2022

    In the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Assessment Process Overview link specifically, in the section on the post sift panel meeting, the Overview notes that: " interview preparation is finalised and panel members confirmed. Detailed interviews timetable prepared and applications grouped into appropriate panels. Each proposal to be allocated introducers to ask the candidate questions during the interview."

    Could you send me via this email address documents on the rules, procedures, protocols concerning how:

    1. Interview preparation is finalised

    2. Panel members confirmed

    3. Applications are grouped into appropriate panels

    Relatedly, the UKRI FLF guidance for applicant notes: "applicants are also asked to describe their fields of activity. This section is used to determine which of the constituent parts of UKRI would be best placed to identify the reviewers/assessors for the proposed research and/ or innovation."

    Could you send me via this email address documents on the rules, procedures, protocols concerning the process by which constituent parts of UKRI determine which constituent is best placed to identify the reviewers/assessors for the proposed research and/ or innovation?

    Published: 1 July 2022

  4. Request Received: 20 April 2022

    I am looking for confirmation that the appropriate approvals process for clinical trials of Factor 8 and DDAVP/Desmopressin had been in place from 1979 - 1992.

    This request is with my personal interest being in the following products of: Factor 8 1979-81 and DDAVP/desmopressin 1982 - 1992.

    Also could you also provide evidence to prove that such appropriate approvals had been in place?

    Published: 28 June 2022

  5. Request Received: 20 April 2022

    The information that I am requesting relates to the Competition Titles listed on the attached excel spreadsheet.

    Specifically, I was hoping you would be able to let me know if the funding received in respect of each Competition was notifiable state aid or de minimis state aid.

    A simple comment in column B of the attached spreadsheet to signify one way or the other would be appreciated.

    For reference, these competitions took place between April 2017 and April 2022.

    Published: 27 June 2022

  6. Request Received: 15 December 2021

    Any correspondence to UKRI from Elsevier, the Publishers Association and lawyers acting on their behalf containing the words "open access" between July 2020 and July 2021.

    Clarification received 17 January 2022:

    I would be very grateful if you could proceed using "open access policy" instead of "open access".

    Published: 21 June 2022

  7. Request Received: 18 March 2022

    I'm writing to enquire if participants in any UKRI cohort studies are/were asked about the use (or need) of assistive technology, like wheelchairs, hearing aids, or glasses? Is it possible to filter through the cohort directory by variables available? I'm collating a repository of longitudinal data sources that collect information on assistive tech so we can better understand its influence over the lifecourse.

    Published: 21 June 2022

  8. Request Received: 6 April 2022

    Please disclose the communication received from the UK Government that includes the request for BGS to now look into the latest scientific evidence regarding shale gas extraction otherwise known as fracking.

    Published: 20 June 2022

  9. Request Received: 24 March 2022

    I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 relating to the Future Flight Phase 3 Strands 1 & 2.

    For both Strands, please send me details about:

    1. Total number of applications

    2. If a portfolio approach was adopted, and if so how the applications were grouped.

    3. Number of assessed applications (not disregarded due to being deemed out of scope etc)

    4. Number of applications funded (per portfolio if applicable).

    5. Average score (per portfolio if applicable).

    6. Success threshold (lowest score funded) (per portfolio if applicable).

    7. Highest score (per portfolio if applicable).

    Published: 20 June 2022

  10. Request Received: 27 April 2022

    Can you help me find a copy of the UKRI retention schedule?

    Published: 20 June 2022