Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 16 November 2021

    I was wondering whether the 2021/22 employee pay review/settlement has now been finalised and implemented.

    If so, please find enclosed a Freedom of Information request regarding this matter.

    If it has yet to be concluded do you happen to know when would be best to submit the request again?

    1) Please state the effective date (day and month) of your organisation's 2021/22 pay review.

    2) If the 2021/22 pay review has yet to be finalised please state the month in which you anticipate it will be concluded.

    3) Please state the employee group/s covered by the 2021/22 pay review.

    4) Please state the total number of employees covered by the 2021/22 pay review.

    5) Please provide a copy of your 2021/22 pay agreement (if applicable) or generic pay circular sent to employees (that is one that does not identify any individual employee) outlining the outcome of the latest pay review if there are no collective negotiations.

    6) Please state the % consolidated basic pay rise received by the lowest-paid adult (aged 18 and over) employee as a result of the 2021/22 pay review* excluding the effect of any incremental progression, merit pay or bonuses.

    * When calculating this figure please bear in mind that, if applicable, employees covered by the Civil Service Pay Remit Guidance 2021/22 who are paid less than the full-time equivalent (FTE) salary of £24,000 receive the greater of a FTE £250 consolidated basic pay rise or an increase taking them up to the National Living Wage of £8.91 an hour.

    7) If an employee's annual pay award is determined solely according to an assessment of their individual performance (commonly known as a merit increase) as opposed to an across-the-board pay rises (where all employees generally receive the same increase irrespective of their individual performance) please state the percentage of the paybill allocated to fund these awards, the range of increases and whether or not the awards are consolidated.

    8) If any employees were eligible for individual performance-related payments or bonuses over and above the general pay rise please state the range of increases (either as a percentage of their base salary or a cash amount as applicable), whether or not they were consolidated into basic pay and please state the overall % of the paybill allocated to fund these awards.

    9) Please state the overall paybill increase as a result of the latest pay review expressed as a percentage of the paybill.

    10) Please state the name of the union/unions party to your main collective agreement covering pay and conditions if there are collective negotiations.

    11) Please provide the name and contact details of the person/s responsible for overseeing your organisation's annual pay review.

    Published: 24 January 2022

  2. Request Received: 19 December 2021

    What funding has been allocated to and spent by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) as part of the
    Construction Innovation Hub (CIH)?

    What deliverables has BRE produced using these funds?

    What percentage of the total funds allocated to BRE have been spent refurbishing or enhancing BRE's

    Published: 20 January 2022

  3. Request Received: 10 December 2021

    Please provide a copy of the full PACE trial MRC grant application g0200434 and any supplementary documents associated with the application and held by the MRC.

    Clarification received on 13 December 2021:

    Thank you for your reply.
    Further to your request for clarification of: "any supplementary documents associated with the application".
    These would be the 'original' application plus any 'follow-up applications' that were amended to satisfy the MRC requirements for approval, i.e., the application history. This will be irrelevant if the application was perfect first-time.

    Published: 20 January 2022

  4. Request Received: 8 November 2021

    For Innovate UK's Smart Grants May 2021 competition (both the <18 month [<£500k] and >18 month streams), please could you release the following information:

    1.The number of applications

    2.The number of successful applications

    3.The success rate

    4.The minimum successful score

    5.The maximum successful score

    6.Maximum score of failed applications

    7.Average grant fund value per project

    8.Total funds allocated

    9.The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70-75, 76-80, 81-85,86+)

    10.The count of successful projects by innovation area for each strand.

    11.The number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 20 January 2022

  5. Request Received: 22 December 2021

    Since you have mentioned previously that your Innovate UK Smart Grant have been receiving a huge amount of applications which is more highly competitive, could you please make available these number of historical record in November 2020, January 2021, May 2021 and August 2021 competition round on:

    - Total number of applications

    - The number of successful applicants

    And could you please let me know if there is any public sample successful application in the past I can access?

    Published: 17 January 2022

  6. Request Received: 15 September 2021

    I am interested in finding out how peer-reviewer scores are reflected in the final rankings for all UKRI panels (or if final rankings are not available, just whether the grants were funded or not). I require only the overall review scores (1-6 in the case of BBSRC for example, 6 being the best) and their position in the final rankings, broken down by panel wherever possible (research committee A to E for BBSRC for example, or research board for MRC). For example, one small section of the dataset might appear as follows:
    BBSRC, Research Committee A, 1st Jan 2020:

    1. 5,6,6
    2. 5,5,5
    3. 4,4,4,6
    4. 3,5,6
    5. 1,5,5,5
    6. 2,5,6

    Data would be preferred in spreadsheet format, but plain text will be acceptable if absolutely necessary.

    I would also appreciate copies of any guidance documents given to peer-review panels from each of the research councils within the last five years.

    If the above is too onerous, I will be willing to limit my request to data and documents from EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, STFC and NERC.

    Published: 11 January 2022

  7. Request Received: 15 September 2021

    I would like to make a request for information please.

    My name is [Redacted] and I am an [Redacted].
    I am looking for some basic questions to be answered. I have included them below.
    I look forward to your response

    Under the freedom of information act can you please tell me what the consequences are of the information you provide back being false?

    Who funds the bas?

    Who gives bas the rights to the scientific research they carry out in Antarctica, basically whom are you answerable to?

    Under the freedom of information act can you tell me what the consequences of a person undertaking independent exploration to Antarctica without permission from their respective countries.
    I understand there is a treaty but as far as I am aware that is not a law on a common man.

    Can you confirm the treaty is only for commercial activity and its not a criminal offence to travel there without permission.

    Who holds the rights to tell a citizen from a country not signed up to the treaty they cannot go? Under whos law have they broken?

    Under the freedom of information act can you tell me what is the furthest south latitude you have carried out scientific research.

    According to my research the sun does not research beyond 80 degrees south latitude
    Under the freedom of information act can you provide proof of scientific research you have carried out that disputes that claim and the sun does in fact shine below 80 degrees latitude?

    Published: 11 January 2022

  8. Request Received: 11 October 2021

    I would like to get a detailed statistics for the last three years about

    1) the ICT panel membership (including their expertise and the department) and

    2) funded projects/areas including the amount and the number of funded projects.

    Please provide this statistics and details based on the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    Published: 11 January 2022

  9. Request Received: 4 October 2021

    1. How many projects does Innovate UK currently handle?

    2. How many staff does Innovate UK currently employ?

    3. How many consultants does Innovate UK currently engage?

    Published: 11 January 2022

  10. Request Received: 6 September 2021

    I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified some potential call-off contracts awarded by UK Research & Innovation, but I can't find details of the framework agreement they were awarded from.

    I have attached an Excel file that contains the information I am looking at. The last two columns ("Title of Framework used" and "contracts finder or ted link of framework agreement") is where I am missing information - please could you fill these in.

    Please note that I have identified these contracts as possible call-off contracts, so some of them might not be. Some could be, for instance, procured directly (without being called off from a framework agreement), or could be themselves notices of the establishment of a framework agreement. Therefore I would kindly ask you to specify in these incidences what kind of procurement was used in the "Title of Framework used" column.

    I have provided the title, description, details of the email contact from the notice, the value of the contract and procedure type used to award each potential call-off as well as a URL link to the call-off in question and unique reference ID for each potential call-off. Please let me know if there is anything else you need to complete the request.

    If you do not feel like this request could be completed in good time, please could you work down the list and do as much of a subset as you can?

    Published: 11 January 2022