Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 14 November 2021

    Part A

    For the EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship program (see, I want to know the following information. This request includes all the applications that have been received since the program opened and up until today, the 14th of November, 2021.

    A.1.- Total number of applications that this program has received

    A.2.- Total number of applications that progressed to the prioritisation panel

    A.3.- Total number of applications that progressed to the interview stage

    A.4.- Total number of applications that were successful and received funding from the EPSRC.

    A.5.- From those applications of point A.4 (successful applications), I want to know the following:

    A.5.1.- Total funding awarded by the EPSRC for each successful application

    A.5.2.- Name of the research host organisation that will host each successful applicant

    A.5.3.- Name (title) of the project that was funded

    Part B For the EPSRC synthetic biology postdoctoral fellowship program (see, I want to know the following information. This request includes all the applications that have been received since the program opened and up until today, the 14th of November, 2021.

    B.1.- Total number of applications that this program has received

    B.2.- Total number of applications that progressed to the prioritisation panel

    B.3.- Total number of applications that progressed to the interview stage

    B.4.- Total number of applications that were successful and received funding from the EPSRC.

    B.5.- From those applications of point B.4 (successful applications), I want to know the following:

    B.5.1.- Total funding awarded by the EPSRC for each successful application

    B.5.2.- Name of the research host organisation that will host each successful applicant

    B.5.3.- Name (title) of the project that was funded

    Published: 4 January 2022

  2. Request Received: 18 October 2021

    For MRC, can you tell me how many nursing, midwifery or AHP applicants have there been and how many have been successful via the CARP scheme? We are signposting research funding schemes and I want to understand the CARP scheme better and its applicability to NMWAHPs.

    Published: 15 December 2021

  3. Request Received: 15 October 2021

    Please could you provide me with a list of rejected research applications for Myalgic encepalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome from 1956 to the present date.

    I would like to know;

    • Who the application was made by

    • Study details. Brief aim with a description

    • Funding figure applied for

    • Reason the application was rejected

    Published: 15 December 2021

  4. Request Received: 19 November 2021

    I'm writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to ask that you please disclose the details of any Live Facial Recognition Software (LfR / LFRT), retrospective facial recognition (RFR), or Automated Facial Recognition Software by yourselves, and whether it works in conjunction with either your local council or the local police force (as applicable per recipient of this request).

    This includes bodycams, vehicular, or stationary cameras.

    For police forces, I'd like to know in what circumstances this technology has been used, and in cases of arrests the amount of people scanned vs positives hits, and how many of these positive hits on potential criminals resulted in a correct match leading to arrest.

    In the case of local councils, I'd like to know if the software used shared information with either local law enforcement, national agencies, or was used by council-based intelligence hubs. I'd like to know what information is typically garnered, how long it is held for, and whether this was announced publicly.

    In case this information is withheld citing sections 23, 24, or 31, I'd instead like information of any work undertaken with or correspondence between you and the following companies: Neoface / NEC, Rekognition, AFR Locate, or Reveal, including cost and times undertaken.

    I'm aware that at least 6 constabularies, including the Met, have trialled software and that this information is publicly available to an extent, but in the instance of national security exemptions would like to have the bare bones of the information, which I do not believe would impact this, such as a confirmation of trials, correspondence, or agreements and the names of the companies given, as a matter of public interest and without divulging further specifics.

    Clarification received on 28 November 2021:

    Asked to clarify whether interested in work STFC is doing or support STFC provides on grants ie to universities
    I'd actually be interested in both please.

    Published: 6 December 2021

  5. Request Received: 11 November 2021

    Please find below my FOI request regarding malicious emails sent to the department.

    The date range for the requests is from 2018 to present day. The data shall include a breakdown by year and by individual departments (e.g. separate departments, agencies, or public bodies within the main government agency), if applicable.

    1. How many malicious emails have been successfully blocked?

    2. What percentage of malicious emails were opened by staff?

    3. What percentage of malicious links in the emails were clicked on by staff?

    4. How many ransomware attacks were blocked by the department?

    5. How many ransomware attacks were successful?

    Published: 3 December 2021

  6. Request Received: 31 August 2021

    I'd like to request further details on the Museum, Galleries and Collections Fund which helps supports university museums.


    •I see there was a review of this grant in 2016. Please could you send me the findings and recommendations from this review?

    •Does the fund still exist, or one that helps fund university museums to help with the costs of opening up their collection to a wider community? If so how much is the funding pot, how long is the funding period, and what are the outcomes expected from the university museums?

    •Has there been a review since the 2016. If so please could you share a copy of the findings and

    Published: 2 December 2021

  7. Request Received: 15 July 2021

    Can I please put in an FOI request. I understand that UKRI oversees FOI requests for all the research award bodies. I was particularly interested in obtaining a copy of the 2006 review by the Arts and Humanities Research Council on postgraduate funding. I know that the British Academy, among others, responded to this review. Can I therefore please request a copy of this review in its final form?

    Published: 2 December 2021

  8. Request Received: 13 August 2021

    Please send me details for the period 2020-2021 on the following:

    a) The total value of the courier service contracts that were outsourced

    b) The name of your primary courier supplier

    c) The value of your primary supplier's contract

    d) The expiry date of that contract

    e) The total cost of the courier services that were not outsourced but managed in-house?

    f) The number of staff employed in managing the in-house contracts

    g) The number of vehicles either owned or leased to meet the in-house courier requirement

    h) The name and email of the person responsible for the management of courier services

    Published: 2 December 2021

  9. Request Received: 16 September 2021

    I would like information on a drug SNG001 made by a company called Synairgen. I was surprised to see that this hasn't been included on your website despite applications to be included.

    I would therefore like any information why the UK COVID-19 Therapeutics Advisory Panel (UK-CTAP) hasn't endorsed inhaled interferon beta drug (SNG001) and the reasons for the rejected.

    Published: 2 December 2021

  10. Request Received: 30 August 2021

    Please could I have the statistics behind the number of awards vs applications made for grant funding and the amounts applied for all 'Deep Tech' projects covering AI, biotechnology, advanced materials, blockchain, robotics and drones, photonics and electronics, and quantum computing over the last five years?

    Please could this include all Innovate UK, i4i, SBRI and MRC grants?

    I am interested in finding out how many applications have been made, the success rates, and understanding the level of competition for funding.

    Clarification received on 31 August 2021:

    What I am after is data of all grant funding for IUK and MRC by competition and which of these were for projects in 'Deep Tech' -- AI, biotechnology, advanced materials, blockchain, robotics and drones, photonics and electronics, and quantum computing.

    Published: 2 December 2021