Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 1 September 2021

    We are looking for the list of grants given to British space companies for R&D expenses by UKRI's research councils and innovate UK. We are specifically interested in the 2014-2020 period.

    Would it be possible for you to extract such a list, and if so, would it be possible to include :
    1.Name of the grantee
    2.Name of the funding council (Innovate UK, STFC,…)
    3.Name of funding programme
    4.Nature of activities funded
    5.Funding amount in £
    6.Date of grant awarded
    As for the format, an Excel (.xls) document would be perfect.

    Published: 2 December 2021

  2. Request Received: 29 September 2021

    1. What is the grievance procedure at InnovateUK?

    2. Does it cover projects as well as employed staff?

    3. What is the anti-bullying policy at InnovateUK?

    4. How many times have the grievance and anti-bullying policies been invoked in each of the last 3 years, what were the issues and outcomes?

    Published: 1 December 2021

  3. Request Received: 29 September 2021

    I am writing to you under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 to request the following information about greenhouse gas emissions data. Please provide this information in excel format, if possible. Within this FOI if the response is <5 and an exact value cannot be provided, please clarify whether the value is zero or non-zero. Hence any response of <5 will be interpreted as 1-4.

    Over the past 6 financial years (from 2015-2016, to 2020-2021 or until the most recent financial year you have data on), please could you provide me with the following information:

    1) Greenhouse gas emissions emitted by the Ministry/Department as a whole for each of these financial years (in tonnes Co2e, or in the units the Department typically records them only if this previous metric is not used);

    a) In addition to this data and separately from it, please provide the breakdown of this previous data on emissions for each of these years (in tonnes Co2e, or in the units the Department typically records them only if this previous metric is not used), which fall under:

    i) Scope 1 emissions;
    ii) Scope 2 emissions; and
    iii) Scope 3 emissions.

    Published: 1 December 2021

  4. Request Received: 01 October 2021

    I wish to request the following information:

    • copy of the final outturn report, including recommendations
    • details of any further planned potential follow-on studies involving UKRI in respect of SDC-1801

    Published: 26 November 2021

  5. Request Received: 7 September 2021

    Clarification Received: 24 September 2021

    Your reply to my FOI Request [FOI2020/00171] showed that 8 successful bids for grant application regarding Benzodiazepine Research had been awarded from 1970 to 2020.

    Could I therefore submit a further FOI Request: Your listed 8 successful bids will all have published their findings / results and I would appreciate full copies of findings and results that the MRC may hold from 1970 to 2020 regarding Benzodiazepine Drug Research.

    Published: 24 November 2021

  6. Request Received: 15 September 2021

    Workday and TotalMobile contracts have expired. I would like to know whether these contracts are still valid or replaced by any other supplier. Please confirm.

    Published: 23 November 2021

  7. Request Received: 16 September

    I would be very grateful if you could respond to my Freedom of Information request below:

    SARS-CoV-2 Virus Isolation

    1. Has the The Medical Research Council isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

    2. If so, what was the methodology used to isolate and purify the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

    3. If not, could you send me a pdf file or link to just one scientific peer reviewed research paper that The Medical Research Council refers to that shows and convinces The Medical Research Council that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated?

    RT-PCR Amplification Test: Cycle Threshold

    1. What is your 'Cycle Threshold' recommendation for the RT-PCR Amplification Test?

    2. Has this Cycle Threshold recommendation changed during the course of the pandemic?

    3. If it has changed, when was this and why?

    Published: 22 November 2021

  8. Request Received: 7 September 2021

    I would like to request any records from the last 3 years of your IT policies with regards to IT and Cyber Security training. I'm looking for records that might indicate how often training is run according to policy, what kind of training took place (phishing awareness, password strength, social engineering awareness), who ran the training either a third party or in house staff organized, and any feedback or analysis on the effectiveness of the training that took place.

    Published: 22 November 2021

  9. Request Received: 5 October 2021

    1. Who is your preferred supplier for MFD/Printer Hardware? (Please state in multiple suppliers)

    2. Please state the number of printers currently within the organisation, to include a breakdown of MFDs (multi functional devices), Print Room devices and desktop printers.

    3. What are your current annual page volumes (split by Colour and Mono)

    4. What is the approximate annual spend for both hardware and services?

    5. What date is your contract due for renewal?

    6. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service?

    7. Which person/role is responsible for procuring your printer contracts?

    Published: 22 November 2021

  10. Request Received: 7 October 2021

    1. Who is your preferred supplier for MFD/Printer Hardware? (Please state in multiple suppliers)

    2. Please state the number of printers currently within the organisation, to include a breakdown of MFDs (multi functional devices), Print Room devices and desktop printers.

    3. What are your current annual page volumes (split by Colour and Mono)

    4. What is the approximate annual spend for both hardware and services?

    5. What date is your contract due for renewal?

    6. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service?

    7. Which person/role is responsible for procuring your printer contracts?

    Published: 22 November 2021