Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 14 July 2021

    I am writing to request access to information about early career focused grants awarded by research councils from 2017 to as current as possible. I am hoping that you would be able to help me with producing a table with at the least awarding council name, early career focused programme/initiative name (i.e. New Investigator), and the grant reference number.

    Ideally, it would also include decision and overall score range - similar to the form that some of the councils used to publish call data information on the web before organisational change and website redesign happened (please see the example attached).

    Published: 1 November 2021

  2. Request Received: 19 July 2021

    The information I'm requesting is regarding the software contracts that the organisation uses, for the following fields.

    Primary Customer Relationship Management Solution (CRM): For example, Salesforce, Lagan CRM, Microsoft Dynamics; software of this nature.

    1. Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?

    2. The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software. Please do not provide me with the supplier name again please provide me with the actual software name.

    3. Description of the contract: Can you please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included. Please also list the software modules included in these contracts.

    4. Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?

    5. Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?

    6. Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract.

    7. Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    8. Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    9. Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provide please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    10. Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number).

    Published: 1 November 2021

  3. Request Received: 27 September 2021

    Under the freedom of information act 2000, I am writing to obtain information regarding the Procurement of Decontamination Systems, namely Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour and UVC, by your Organisation and/or on behalf of third parties.

    Please list the institutions that MRC has procured HPV or UVC equipment on behalf of since 2018 in the following format;

    • Name of Institution and full address details

    • What was the name of the manufacturer and the model supplied?

    • What were the costs of the systems when new?

    • Were these systems purchased via a tender or mini competition?

    • Were these systems purchased through a framework agreement or direct sale?

    • Were these systems purchased outright, or via a lease rental package?

    • Date of Tender and Length of Contract

    • Overall Value of Contract including consumables, extended warranties and maintenance agreements?

    • Does the contract include a maintenance agreement (if so, please specify the terms)

    • Full contact details for the individuals from each Institution who instructed the MRC

    Published: 21 October 2021

  4. Request Received: 12 August 2021

    For each of the last 6 Innovate UK Smart competitions could you provide:

    • Total number of applications

    • Total number of winning applications

    • Threshold for funding

    • Total complaints about proposal assessment by companies

    • Total complaints about proposal assessment by companies that were upheld

    Published: 19 October 2021

  5. Request Received: 13 August 2021

    We would like to request data about grant application scores please.

    For the SMART grant application rounds:

    1. The November 2020 round when the results were announced 26th March 2021

    2. The January 2021 round when the results were announced 30th July 2021

    For each of the above SMART grant application rounds, we would like to know the following please:

    1. How many illegible applications

    2. The threshold of successful score

    3. The individual scores of each of the last 20 successful applications before the cut off successful score

    4. The individual scores of each of the top 20 un-successful applications after the cut off successful score

    Published: 19 October 2021

  6. Request Received: 16 August 2021

    I am writing to request the following information with regard to the below Innovate UK competition to better understand the funding assessment process.

    For the following competition, please can you kindly provide: SMART January 2021 (Competition closed: Thursday 27th May 2021).

    1. Total number of applications

    2. Total number of successful applications

    3. Total number of applications ineligible for assessment

    4. Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application

    5. Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application

    6. The score of the lowest scoring funded project

    7. The score of the highest-scoring funded project

    8. The average (mean) score of funded projects

    9. The average number of Assessors indicating that they recommend a project for funding per application

    10. The number of projects with an outlying assessor score, which was removed

    11. The number of projects against which an assessor marked that they would not recommend the project for funding

    Published: 18 October 2021

  7. Request Received: 26 August 2021

    The information I'm requesting is regarding the software contracts that the organisation uses, for the following fields.

    Primary Customer Relationship Management Solution (CRM):

    For example, Salesforce, Lagan CRM, Microsoft Dynamics; software of this nature.

    1. Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?

    2. The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software. Please do not provide me with the supplier name again please provide me with the actual software name.

    3. Description of the contract: Can you please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included. Please also list the software modules included in these contracts.

    4. Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?

    5. Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?

    6. Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract.

    7. Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    8. Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    9. Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provide please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    10. Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number).

    You may have received the same request in the past. The information sent has now expired and I required an update as soon as possible. If all the information besides the contract dates are the same, I am happy to just receive an update on the contract dates.

    Published: 12 October 2021

  8. Request Received: 14 September 2021

    1. What discretion do InnovateUK programme managers have to vary procedures to ensure funded projects succeed?

    2. Can InnovateUK managers pay grant instalments early?

    3. Can InnovateUK managers increase project agreed budgets in the face of unexpected prices rises in parts etc occurring after commencement of projects?

    Published: 11 October 2021

  9. Request Received: 16 June 2021

    I would like to request some information on the spend on temporary resource at Innovate UK.

    Please would you provide me with the following covering the last 5 fiscal years:

    • Total number of contractors per fiscal year

    • Spend on contractors per fiscal year

    • Total number of other temporary staff per fiscal year

    • Spend on other temporary staff per fiscal year

    Published: 8 October 2021

  10. Request Received: 2 July 2021

    What I am trying to get hold of is the high-level data (or even more detailed data if publicly available) that shows the following:

    • The number of Innovate UK grant funding applications made by applicants in the each of the 38 LEP regions in between 01/04/2020 and 31/03/2021

    • The number of Innovate UK grant funding applications successfully awarded in the each of the 38 LEP regions in between 01/04/2020 and 31/03/2021

    • The total value of Innovate UK grant funding awarded in the each of the 38 LEP regions in between 01/04/2020 and 31/03/2021

    Published: 8 October 2021