Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 13 April 2021

    I am looking to find applicant diversity data on the UKRI Future Leaders scheme. I have viewed the data available (attached) on the UKRI website, but this does not appear to provide data broken down to rejection/success at the interview stage. Given the (i) critical importance of the interview process in these applications, and (ii) the room for unconscious bias in face-to face interviews, I am keen to be able to see that data as well.

    Would you be able to share with me this information, or give me links to the relevant pages on your website in case I have missed seeing them?

    Published: 6 August 2021

  2. Request Received: 29 April 2021

    I am involved with the project which is analyzing the relationships between the UK universities and their profitability. Recently I have been using your Funding Finder Tool to extract the data related to the universities of my interest. In the Projects page (*&fetchSize=25&selectedSortableField=&selectedSortOrder=) I was only able to find the data from 2003 onwards. However, my project is looking at the time interval between 1993 and 2019. Is there any way to find the data from the earlier years? If so, I would greatly appreciate any guidance in accessing the data.

    Published: 6 August 2021

  3. Request Received: 15 April 2021

    I am seeking information on employees who undertake paid or unpaid work whilst under your organisation's employ. In relation to the individuals listed below I would like to know:

    1. How many currently undertake or have ever undertaken work of any kind second to their current role?

    2. Whether that work is/was paid, unpaid, or unpaid with expenses covered.

    3. Whether approval to undertake the work was sought from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy?

    Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser

    Professor Christopher Smith

    Professor Melanie Welham

    Professor Alison Park

    Professor Lynn Gladden

    Dr Ian Campbell

    Professor Fiona Watt

    Professor Duncan Wingham

    David Sweeney

    Professor Mark Thomson

    Sir John Kingman

    Siobhan Peters

    Tim Bianek

    Emma Lindsell

    Isobel Stephen

    Published: 6 August 2021

  4. Request Received: 20 April 2021

    I would like to request the following information held by UKRI (Innovate UK):

    1.How many applications to the Biomedical Catalyst were received in 2020/21?

    2.How many applications to the Biomedical Catalyst in 2020/21 scored over 70%?

    3.How many applications to the Biomedical Catalyst in 2020/21 received funding?

    4.What score threshold was required for applications to receive funding in 2020/21?

    5.What is the total value of applications that scored over 70% but that were not funded in 2020/21?

    Published: 6 August 2021

  5. Request Received: 27 July 2021

    Please could you provide the following information in regards to the recent Creative industries fund: fast start business growth pilot:

    • the total number of applications

    • the number of assessed applications (not disregarded due to being deemed out of scope etc)

    • the number of applications funded

    • the number of applications funded per 'innovation area'

    • the average funding amount per project

    • the smallest and largest amount of funding per project

    • the average score of all applications

    • the average score of successful applications

    • the success threshold

    • decision-making process based on portfolio (ie, why higher scoring projects might not get funded and lower scoring project get funded).

    Published: 6 August 2021

  6. Request Received: 12 July 2021

    I am requesting to know data on the number of projects that breached Innovate UK's terms and conditions and were prematurely terminated by Innovate UK between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021 before the project end date.

    Clarification 13 July 2021

    I am requesting data on projects that were 'terminated' by Innovate UK between 01 April 2020 and 31 March 2021 for the breach of grant Terms and Conditions. I further request the data to be classified according to the competition in which the project was successful.

    The word 'breach' here refers to an act of breaking the grant Terms and Conditions.

    The phrase 'Terms and Conditions' here refer to the Terms and Conditions under which the grant was offered to the winning bidder (Grant Awardee).

    Published: 6 August 2021

  7. Request Received: 3 May 2021

    The information I'm requesting is regarding the software contracts that the organisation uses, for the following fields. The organisation's primary corporate Finance Software Solution: For example, Agresso, Integra, Sapphire Systems; software of this nature.

    1. Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?

    2. The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software. Please do not provide me with the supplier name again please provide me with the actual software name.

    3. Description of the contract: Can you please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included. Please also list the software modules included in these contracts.

    4. Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?

    5. Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?

    6. Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract.

    7. Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    8. Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    9. Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provide please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    10. Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number).

    Published: 6 August 2021

  8. Request Received: 16 June 2021

    I would like to request some information on the number and cost of the assessing applications submitted to Innovate UK.

    Please would you provide me with the following covering the last 5 fiscal years:

    • Total number of independent assessment per fiscal year

    • Total number of applications assessed per fiscal

    • Number of application whose assessment score was below the funding call minimum quality threshold alluded to here:

    • Total spend on independent assessment per fiscal year

    • Spend on assessing applications whose assessment score was below the funding call minimum quality threshold

    Published: 4 August 2021

  9. Request Received: 27 May 2021

    I'd like know a bit about the audits that IUK do.

    Can you please explain the 'gold, silver and bronze' category projects and in what circumstances they would get audited?

    Published: 2 August 2021

  10. Request Received: 2 June 2021

    Please can you supply the following information under FOI in regard to the following procurement activity.

    CS20024 UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Development Network

    1. All documents relating to the procurement exercise including.
    a. The full tender pack
    b. All tender submission
    c. Conflict of interest details
    d. All subsequent bids for the lot
    e. Details of bidders

    2. The final document detailing why the 80% quality/20% weighting ratio was decided upon.

    3. The number and details of attendees at the Zoom meeting held on the 21st of April of 2020 regarding interested parties.

    4. Details of the portals for tendering that the opportunity was displayed on.

    5. Details of other activities (marketing etc) to ensure a wide spread of buyers was encouraged.

    6. All communications, including e-mail, written, video and minutes of meetings in relation to tender evaluation.
    a. A list of the organisations/individuals who evaluated the tender.
    b. The evaluation criteria information
    c. Communications between UKRI and AdvanceHE
    d. The final evaluation meeting minutes/video/record

    Published: 29 July 2021