Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 22 January 2020

    Would it be possible to request PDF copies of the UKRI Board meeting minutes for the second half of 2019? Currently only the Council minutes to July 2019 are available on UKRI's website.

    Published: 9 July 2021

  2. Request Received: 10 February 2020

    As part of research studies into blood bourne viruses, when was the first instance of Hepatitis (NANB) identified?

    Published: 9 July 2021

  3. Request Received: 8 February 2020

    I am writing to request the following:

    • An annual breakdown of the UKRI's annual spend on multi/interdisciplinary research projects since the UKRI's formation.
    • The proportion and value of these multi/interdisciplinary research projects which were deemed to involve the input of researchers in the Arts and Humanities (broken down annually)
    • If possible, I would appreciate if this information could also be provided for each research council between 2010-2018 before the formation of the UKRI.

    Published: 9 July 2021

  4. Request Received: 6 December 2019

    1. a copy of the licensing agreement between NERC/UKRI and SOCOTEC

    2. a copy of the advice of Mewburn Ellis LLP.

    Published: 9 July 2021

  5. Request Received: 2 March 2020

    We would like to know, for both Smart Grant competitions since April 2019, the list of successful applications that were provisionally offered grant finance, their overall score as a percentage and the amount of grant they applied for.

    Published: 9 July 2021

  6. Request Received: 24 January 2020

    Please can I make an FOI Request for the following information:

    1. What First Aid Training and Mental Health Training, if any, do you provide to your staff?

    2. The current provider of First Aid Training and Mental Health Training to your staff and contract expiry date

    3. The name of the person responsible at your organisation for First Aid Training and Mental Health Training.

    Published: 9 July 2021

  7. Request Received: 10 February 2020

    What research data was being collected on haemophiliacs during 1940-1970?

    Published: 9 July 2021

  8. Request Received: 28 January 2020

    I am currently embarking on a research project around Cyber Security and was hoping you could provide me with some contract information relating to following information:

    1. Standard Firewall (Network) - Firewall service protects your corporate Network from unauthorised access and other Internet security threats

    2. Anti-virus Software Application - Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more.

    3. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement - is a volume licensing package offered by Microsoft.

    The information I require is around the procurement side and we do not require any specifics (serial numbers, models, location) that could bring threat/harm to the organisation.

    For each of the different types of cyber security services can you please provide me with:

    1. Who is the existing supplier for this contract?

    2. What does the organisation annual spend for each of contract?

    3. What is the description of the services provided for each contract? Please do not just state firewall.

    4. Primary Brand (ONLY APPLIES TO CONTRACT 1&2)

    5. What is the expiry date of each contract?

    6. What is the start date of each contract?

    7. What is the contract duration of contract?

    8. The responsible contract officer for each of the contracts above? Full name, job title, contact number and direct email address.

    9. Number of Licenses (ONLY APPLIES TO CONTRACT 3)

    Published: 9 July 2021

  9. Request Received: 2 July 2019

    I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 with regards to the UKRI Future Leadership Fellows calls to date as follows:

     Total number of applications received for each of Rounds 1, 2 and 3 broken down by gender

     Total number of applicants invited to interview for each of Rounds 1 and 2 broken down by gender

     Total number of applicants awarded fellowships for each of Rounds 1 and 2 broken down by gender We also request information on the number of applicants that identified as BME and following on from that the breakdown of BME applicants as follows:

     Total number of applications received for each of Rounds 1, 2 and 3 broken down by BME

     Total number of applicants invited to interview for each of Rounds 1 and 2 broken down by BME

     Total number of applicants awarded fellowships for each of Rounds 1 and 2 broken down by BME.

    In addition, for Round 1 how many notifications have you received that award holders are intending to move the institution at which they hold their award from the one it was awarded at?

    Published: 9 July 2021

  10. Request Received: 31 January 2020

    This freedom of information request concerns the degree of direct funding to the NERC and EPSRC from the coal, oil and gas sector.

    "The last year" may be defined as the financial or calendar year, it's up to you. "In Kind" contributions are often made, but I'm only interested in direct financial contributions here.

    1) How much funding did the two research councils receive directly from the coal, oil and gas sector over the last year.

    2) How much direct funding did the "NERC Centre For Doctoral Training in Oil and Gas" receive from the coal, oil and gas sector over the last year.

    3) What is the total monetary value of NERC CASE studentship contributions from the coal, oil and gas sector over the last year.

    Published: 9 July 2021