Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 19 May 2020

    My enquiry concerns the vaccines manufacturing centre at Oxford VMIC.

    I would be pleased to receive all documentation with respect to:-

    a) the technical and economic specification which formed the basis of the tender and the bidding process.

    b) the details of the bids received.

    c) the details of the decision making process, the decision criteria, and the discussions which formed the basis of the final choice of location.

    Published: 29 June 2021

  2. Request Received: 18 June 2020

    Please could you advise the following information.

    1. The total number of senior UKRI managers on (a) 1 April 2019 and (b) 1 April 2020

    2. The total pay bill cost (please include in this cost the employer national insurance and any employer pension contributions) for employment of senior UKRI managers for the period (a) 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, and (b) 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

    The definition of a "senior UKRI manager" is any employee who is subject to the Government public sector pay policy for senior staff (Senior Civil Servant equivalent).

    Published: 29 June 2021

  3. Request Received: 19 June 2020

    I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following from your finance systems and Accounts Payable department:

    Invoice payment performance data for financial years 18/19 and 19/20:

    1. How many invoices were paid late (actual number rather than %) and what is the total value of invoices paid late?

    2. Is this split out by sector / category or can you identify SME suppliers that have been paid late? If so, what are the volumes values?

    3. How many claims have you processed for late payment of invoices?

    How many claims were successful and how many were rejected (and for what reason)? (Volumes and values of claims)

    4. Do you have a documented process for late payment claims?

    If so, is this published and can it be shared? In the absence of a process, where should late payment claims be submitted?

    I am aware that many councils may publish a summary of their payment performance as required by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

    I am seeking the transaction detail that sits behind this.

    Clarification: In your subsequent clarification, you clarified that by "late payment" you meant "the payment terms for public sector organisations as prescribed in Late Payment Legislation and Public Contracts Regulations 2015", which is 30 days.

    Published: 28 June 2021

  4. Request Received: 10 March 2021

    Applicable competitions:

    I am requesting the data detailed below for all Innovate UK competitions in Competition Year 2019/20 and 2020/21 where the Sector (according to Column D of the Innovate UK funded projects since 2004 spreadsheet) was one of the following:

    • Ageing Society, Health & Nutrition

    • Clean Growth & Infrastructure

    • AI & Data Economy

    • Responsive

    Data requested:

    Please provide the following information (separately for each applicable competition; not aggregated): Number of applications for each individual competition:

    1. Overall:

    a) Total number of applications received

    b) Number of applications that were in scope

    c) Number of applications that received an offer of funding

    2. Broken down by region/location of the project (in any format you have readily available, for example by postcode area, local authority, LEP, etc.):

    a) Total number of applications received

    b) Number of applications that were in scope

    c) Number of applications that received an offer of funding

    3. Broken down by 'Enterprise Size' of the lead applicant (per spreadsheet column U):

    a) Total number of applications received

    b) Number of applications that were in scope

    c) Number of applications that received an offer of funding

    Application scores for each individual competition:

    4. Overall:

    a) Breakdown of application scores in groups of 5 percentage points (96-100, 91-95, 86-90, etc.)

    b) Highest and lowest overall score for all applications

    c) Highest and lowest score for applications that received an offer of funding

    d) Highest score that did not receive an offer of funding

    Published: 28 June 2021

  5. Request Received: 3 March 2021

    1) In last 2 years has your organisation used external recruitment agencies to hire for permanent or contract roles?

    2) In list format what are the five highest paid external recruitment agencies with the total amount paid in the last 2 years?

    3) What is the fee structure charged for the five highest paid vacancies by the above five external recruitment agencies and the roles that were hired for? Example: Office Manager - Salary £20,000 Fees paid 15% of salary = Total recruitment fees paid £3000.

    4) For the coming year what live vacancies does the organisation currently have for permanent or contract roles, please list these vacancies with the following;

    • Current or future positions and an exact salary figure

    • What type of positions are they? (Contract or Permanent)

    • Who is the hiring manager, please provide their full details: Full name, Telephone number, Email, Job Title and Department

    5) On which websites are these jobs advertised? Please clearly provide a link/list to where these jobs are advertised.

    6) What is the process to selecting new recruitment agencies? Please provide the procurement process for selecting new recruitment agencies and what date is this conducted and by whom? Please provide full contact details.

    7) Is there a purchase threshold below which allows the organisation to use external recruitment agencies which are not on any preferred supplier arrangements or contracts without going through a formal tender process?

    Published: 28 June 2021

  6. Request Received: 9 June 2020

    Please could you advise the following information.

    For: (a) Non-Senior UKRI staff deployed in the (i) Medical Research Council (MRC), (ii) Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and (ii) Innovate UK, and (b) Senior UKR staff (who are subject to the Government's public sector pay policy for Senior Managers [that is, equivalent to the handling of Senior Civil Servants]):

    1.For the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 how many of the following payments were made:

    (a) Ex-gratia payments

    (b) Redundancy payments (compulsory)

    (c) Redundancy payments (voluntary)

    (d) COT3 agreement payments

    (e) Special severance payments

    2. For the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, how many business cases were made to the Cabinet Office and/or HM Treasury seeking approval for:

    (a) Ex-gratia payments

    (b) Redundancy payments (compulsory)

    (c) Redundancy payments (voluntary)

    (d) COT3 agreement payments

    (e) Special severance payments

    3. For the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, how many business cases for the following payments were approved by the Cabinet Office and/or HM Treasury for:

    (a) Ex-gratia payments

    (b) Redundancy payments (compulsory)

    (c) Redundancy payments (voluntary)

    (d) COT3 agreement payments

    (e) Special severance payments

    Please tabulate your response and distinguish between the MRC, STFC and Innovate UK and UKRI Senior Managers.

    Please note that this information request does not concern any non-consolidated performance-related payments.

    Published: 28 June 2021

  7. Request Received: 6 July 2020

    I want to make a Freedom of Information request, could you please send me the following information with regards to the organisation's Mobile Phones contract.

    If there is more than one provider please split all the information including the annual average spend, number of connection, duration, contract dates and internal contact details.

    1. Network Provider(s) - Please provide me with the network provider name e.g. EE, Telefonica, Vodafone, Three

    2. Annual Average Spend for each Network Provider - Can you please provide me with the average annual spend over the last 3 years. If this is a new contract can you please provide the estimated annual spend.

    3. Number of Connections- Number of connections for each network provider. (number of voice only devices, voice and data devices, data only devices) please provide me with the breakdown and not the overall total.

    4. Duration of the contract- please state if the contract also includes contract extensions for each provider.

    5. Contract Start Date- please can you provide me with the start date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. (if there are multiple start dates, could you please provide me with the earliest date for each provider)

    6. Contract Expiry Date- please can you provide me with the expiry date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. If the contract is rolling please state.

    7. Contract Review Date- Please can you provide me with a date when the organisation plans to review this contract.

    8. The person in the organisation responsible for this particular contract. Can you send me the full contact details Contact Name, Job Title, Contact Number and direct email address for each network provider? If full contact details cannot be provided please send me their actual job title.

    9. If the mobile phone contract is provided by a managed contract please provide me with the actual name of the network provider along with the number of connections and the internal contact from within the organisation responsible for this contract.

    Please can you provide me with the latest information- If the organisations are currently out to tender please can you also state the approx. date of the award along with the information above.

    Also if the contract in the response has expired/rolling please can you provide me with further information if available of the organisation's plans going forward with regards to mobiles and the current status?

    If this contract was awarded within the past three months can you please provide me with a shortlist of suppliers that bid on the contract?

    Published: 28 June 2021

  8. Request Received: 20 July 2020

    I am making this request under the freedom of information act to ask for the following information:

    1. Can we get a breakdown by ethnicity of all PHD funded studentships offered by the seven research councils you represent

    2. For each of the following five academic years: a) 2015/16 b) 2016/17 c) 2017/18 d) 2018/19 e) 2019/20

    Published: 28 June 2021

  9. Request Received: 15 June 2020

    Please refer to your press notice:

    I note the sentence: "We have begun work to address our structures, our work environments and the ways that we may be perpetuating problems - in terms of who we represent, who we invite to the table, who we partner with and fund."

    I should be grateful if you would provide me with your "project plan" for this exercise (presumably made up of a number of different strands).

    Published: 28 June 2021

  10. Request Received: 3 July 2020

    I am writing to make a Freedom of Information Request for statistics to assess the BBSRC peer review process.

    I would be grateful if you could provide the following information for the BBSRC Research Committee B and Committee C.

    1. The total number of Responsive Mode grant applications assessed during the three sittings of the committees in 2019. Please provide separate numbers for the two committees.

    2. The number of external peer reviews received by the committees for the grant applications in 2019. I am interested in finding the distribution of the number of reviews received for each grant application. For example, how many applications received 1 review, how many applications received 2 reviews, 3 reviews etc.

    3. The number of Responsive Mode grant applications awarded by the committees in 2019 and the distribution of the number of reviews received, as in #2 above.

    Published: 28 June 2021