Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 25 February 2021

    Please could you provide the following information in regards to the Smart Grants: August 2020 Competition:

    1. Total number of applications

    2. Number of assessed applications (not disregarded due to being deemed out of scope etc)

    3. Number of applications funded

    4. Number of applications funded per 'innovation area'

    5. Average funding amount per project

    6. Smallest and largest amount of funding per project

    7. Average score

    8. Success threshold

    9. Decision-making process based on portfolio (i.e. why higher scoring projects might not get funded and lower scoring project get funded).

    Published: 24 June 2021

  2. Request Received: 5 February 2021

    For the August 2020 SMART Grants competition:

    Please could you advise what percentage of successful applications are resubmissions?

    Also what percentage of the overall applications are resubmissions?

    If the information is not yet available for the August 2020 then please could you inform us of the number of successful applications that were resubmissions from an earlier competition in 2019/20?

    Published: 24 June 2021

  3. Request Received: 4 October 2020

    This request for information is made under Freedom of Information.

    Background: The Baker Report, published in August 1999, identified the need and opportunity to commercialise government intellectual property arising from publicly funded research output in the Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs).

    An implementation plan published by HM Treasury, called "Implementing Baker: Developing the Bridge between Public Sector Science and the Market", was published in May 2000 and resulted, inter alia, in the setting up of the Rainbow Seed Fund in 2001, now renamed the UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund LP (Company number LP007823 at Companies' House), hereafter "the Fund".

    We understand the Fund has been managed since, or shortly after its set up, by a private company in Birmingham called Midven Ltd.

    Question 1: What is the total amount of public money that has been put into the Fund since its creation?

    Question 2: What is the total sum of money still held in the Fund at the present time, as measured in cash terms?

    Question 3: What is the total value of all investments made by the Fund since its creation?

    Question 4: What is the total sum of money that has been returned to the Fund since its creation, from exits from investments made?

    Question 5: What is the current value of investments from the Fund that are still held within investees, as measured by the most recent audited accounts of such investee companies?

    Question 6: How much money has been paid in management and administrative expenses since the Fund was created including but not limited to fees paid to Midven Ltd? [please provide as detailed a breakdown as is possible].

    Question 7: How often is the contract to manage the Fund re-tendered in open competition to prospective organisations capable of such work?

    Published: 24 June 2021

  4. Request Received: 25 February 2021

    I see that Innovate UK are co-funding the Hydrogen vehicle fuel system at Rotherham EETC: Hydrogen Mini Grid, Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) Morse Way, off Brunel Way Catcliffe Rotherham S60 5WG

    Can to advise how much has been disbursed to date by Innovate UK on this project - including grants and service provision to the operators ITC ?

    Can you also advise if any performance reports have been generated with respect to amounts of Hydrogen formed on site, number of filling operations performed and sundry energy provided on site for non-vehicular use?

    UKRI asked for clarification as follows:

    Could you please confirm the dates of the funding from Innovate UK, explain which company or organisation received the funding and clarify what is meant by service provision to the operators ITC. Please could you also indicate if this information is available on Innovate UK webpages.

    Clarified: 26 February 2021

    "Could you please confirm the dates of the funding from Innovate UK"

    I would like to know how much funding Innovate UK has contributed in total to the Hydrogen Mini Grid Project at Rotherham Advanced Manufacturing Park EETC since its inception - which seems to be 2007 and runs to the present time.

    As far as "service provision" at the filling station is concerned ITC seemingly physically operate the filling station / compressors/ storage and metering facility - I would like to know if ITC are paid a fee (by Innovate UK) for operating the facility or do they self-fund via charges for Hydrogen dispensed?

    With respect to Innovate UK web pages - Google find no reference to the Rotherham Hydrogen Mini Grid at the AMP site. try: ttps:// ns/innovate-uk

    In fact a simple search for "Hydrogen" shows not much on the domain.

    I have also looked at the 15MB spreadsheet of projects since 2004 and cannot see a reference to the EETC site / Hydrogen filling station at: 01_Innovate_UK_Funded_Projects.xlsx

    Published: 24 June 2021

  5. Request Received: 15 June 2020

    I am making a Freedom of Information (FOI) in relation to the recent " Business-led innovation in response to global disruption (de minimis)" call and would like to request the following information.

    What was the total number of applications from Scotland?

    What is the breakdown of applications based on size of the Enterprise?

    Published: 24 June 2021

  6. Request Received: 12 February 2021

    Could you please let me know what the lowest scoring funded project was for the SMART Grant August 2020 competition (i.e. deadline in November 2020)?

    Published: 24 June 2021

  7. Request Received: 18 February 2021

    Under the Freedom of Information Act I respectfully request that you provide me with a list of ICT suppliers providing outsourced or managed ICT Services to your organisation at the current time.

    Please present the information back by email detailing for each supplier (where more than one is engaged):

    - Name of supplier

    - Service(s) provided by supplier

    - Contract Start Date

    - Contract End Date

    - Contract Value

    - Current spend with supplier for provided service(s) (optional)

    In the interests of focusing on suppliers of a material nature it would be acceptable to respond with just those suppliers where annual spend (on any particular service) is in excess of £50,000 per annum.

    Asked for clarification as to whether your request for a "list of ICT suppliers providing outsourced or managed ICT Services" should include Cloud Hosting or SaaS contracts as well?

    Clarified: 2 March 2021

    Yes, if that is possible, please.

    I am looking at a research project to identify the level of external government spend versus the historic spend on ICT equipment and civil servant staff. We are aware that the Cloud providers may not pay enough tax, and is that also at the expense of tax that other organisations in their sector used to pay for equipment? I'm hoping the information available will reveal and transparent truth.

    Published: 24 June 2021

  8. Request Received: 18 February 2021

    This is an information request relating to the furloughing of staff.

    Please include the following information from the commencement of the Job Retention Scheme in 2020 to present:

    • The total number of staff your organisation has furloughed.

    • The total cash amount of Job Retention Scheme disbursements that your organisation has received.

    Published: 24 June 2021

  9. Request Received: 26 February 2021

    You have stated previously that your competitions remain extremely popular. In particular the Smart Grant competitions are attracting huge numbers of high-quality applications.

    Can you please make available the numbers of applicants in ALL UK Smart Grant applications to Innovate UK including COVID related competitions as a total number and then a number of successful applicants.

    Published: 24 June 2021

  10. Request Received: 18 February 2021

    I would like to make a freedom of information request please in relation to the Innovation UK Smart Grant Competition: 'Innovate UK Smart Grants: August 2020'.

    Please can you let me know the following:

    1. The number of applications that were submitted to this competition in total and the number that were sent for assessment.

    2. The number of applications that were awarded funding in this competition.

    3. The average total project costs and total grant value across the funded projects.

    Published: 24 June 2021