Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 25 January 2021

    I am requesting under the Freedom of Information act the following, to aid with my understanding of the current process for assessing and determining an organisations considered in financial difficulty during the due diligence period of application assessment pertaining to Innovate UK led competitions.

    With the update of the Subsidy control, under-takings-in-difficulty is lost as a definition, and instead replaced with "financial difficulty".

    Please can you supply the following to advance the very useful information supplied within FOI2020/00308:

    1) A detailed step-by-step description of the process decision pathway followed by the employee/representative performing the Subsidy control financial tests of the organisation.

    2) The updated decision flow chart (or equivalent) including trigger points for Subsidy financial testing, and the request parameters for further information

    3) The updated training documentation provided to IUK employees for performing Subsidy control testing.

    4) Any updates to the IUK SOP "Policy - Undertaking in Difficulty (UID)" since 10 Nov 2020; or its equivalent replacement SOP if it has been since superseded.

    5) If there are no changes to the above process further than that outlined within FOI2020/00308, any internal email communications pertaining to the time frame of development of a new/updated Due Diligence process(es).

    What I am looking for information on is with the withdrawal bill in place; the changes that this will bring to the IUK due diligence process, in the near - medium term.

    Internal email communications of Innovate UK, from 31.5.20 to present should capture this time frame.

    In terms of keywords, happy to be guided on here, my thoughts would be along the lines of:

    Replacement to current UID process

    Changes to the due diligence process

    State Aid

    State Aid Assessment

    Subsidy Control

    Requirements / terms and conditions

    Published: 23 June 2021

  2. Request Received: 8 February

    Innovate UK Smart Grants: August 2020 (Competition opened: 28/08/2020, Competition closed 25/08/2020).

    1. Total number of applications

    2. Total number of successful applications

    3. Total number of applications ineligible for assessment

    4. Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application

    5. Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application

    6. The score of the lowest scoring funded project

    7. The score of the highest-scoring funded project

    8. The average (mean) score of funded projects

    9. The average number of Assessors indicating that they recommend a project for funding per application

    10. The number of projects with an outlying assessor score, which was removed

    11. The number of projects against which an assessor marked that they would not recommend the project for funding

    12. Please could you provide score raw data for each application question including questions Q1 through Q10

    13. The exact programmed metrics used to route a project to 'ineligible' (i.e. the chain of pre-programmed questions/tick boxes the application is compared against within the system)

    14. The number of projects deemed to be ineligible for reasons relating to UID

    Published: 23 June 2021

  3. Request Received: 28 June 2020

    1. When data for the Jan 2020 applications will be available

    2. Applicants name and reference

    3. The scoring mechanism Innovate uses for the proposal criteria

    4. Who completed the application, if known (i.e. academics, outside consultants or the commercial entity themselves)

    5. Financial value of grants awarded, broken down by category

    6. Financial value of grants rejected, broken down by category

    7. Which area of innovation was addressed by the application (i.e. Health, Ecology etc), broken down by successful vs unsuccessful per category

    8. The geographic location of each grant application, broken down by successful vs unsuccessful per category

    9. What additional employment was forecast by each grant application

    10. What specific export potential was demonstrated in each grant application

    11. What KPI or measurement is used to determine "innovation"

    All questions are relating to in the Innovate UK Smart Grants 2020 competition. Where an individual application is referenced in a question above, information is being sought for grant applications of over £499,000 up to a maximum of the top 50 successful applications and up to a maximum of the top 50 unsuccessful applications.

    Published: 23 June 2021

  4. Request Received: 14 July 2020

    1. All the applications that were funded in the "Bilateral UK and US offshore wind research and development (R&D) EoI (expression of interest) competition"

    2. All the companies funded by Innovate UK, over all competitions, in the last three years where the company director had a mental disability

    Published: 23 June 2021

  5. Request Received: 6 May 2020

    Copies of all correspondence between Welsh Government and Innovate UK in relation to any intervention in relation to the COVID-19 crisis and specifically the £1.25 billion government support package (and £750 million of Innovate UK support).

    Clarification received:

    correspondence with/to Welsh Government in relation to

    Funding provided by Innovate UK to Welsh businesses

    the Innovate UK coronavirus business support package

    Any discussions on support for Welsh businesses.

    Published: 23 June 2021

  6. Request Received: 1 September 2020

    For each competition individually, please provide the following information:

    • The name of the competition and the funding round

    • The competition opening date

    • The financial year in which the competition was offered

    • The total number of applications received for the competition

    • The total number of successful applications for the competition

    • The number of applications receiving a mark of 70 to 79 inclusive

    • The number of applications receiving a mark of 70 to 79 that were successful

    • The number of applications receiving a mark of 80 or above

    • The number of applications receiving a mark of 80 or above that were successful

    • And for each competition, the lowest mark achieved for a successful application.

    Please provide the information in Excel spreadsheet format.

    Published: 23 June 2021

  7. Request Received: 11 January 2021

    For all the SMART 2020 competitions, starting with the January 2020 competition for both the 18 month streams:

    1. The number of applications

    2. The number of successful applications

    3. The success rate

    4. The minimum successful score

    5. The maximum successful score

    6. Maximum score of failed applications

    7. Average grant fund value per project

    8. Total funds allocated

    9. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70-75, 76-80, 81-85,86+)

    10. The count of successful projects by innovation area for each strand.

    I would also like to request the number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score, please.

    Please may this be presented by competition.

    Published: 23 June 2021

  8. Request Received: 22 July 2020

    1. Can I please have your records concerning the sales of personal data from 2019 and 2020, including trading partners and money earned from transactions?

    2. Please can I have your records concerning the determining the price of personal data, for sales and sharing for the time period January 2019- Present.

    3. What is your internal procedure for selling personal data? By this, I mean guidance given to internal staff and the buyer in question, for the time period of January 2019- Present.

    4. What types of personal data do you sell and are there any limits placed on this? For the time period of January 2019- Present.

    5. How many Subject Access Requests did you receive in the period 2017-2020, broken down by year? What types of personal data did they typically receive? For example, email addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers?

    Published: 23 June 2021

  9. Request Received: 26 June 2020

    Please could you provide the following information:

    1. Do you hold a record of a document containing the recent review of the BBSRC senior structure?

    2. If so, could you provide a copy of that recent review of the BBSRC senior structure (redacting any confidential information, or sensitive information that may contribute to public policy development)

    3. Do you hold a record of a JESP assessment and score for the above two roles (attached are the advertised roles)?

    4. If you hold a JESP score for the above two roles, please could you provide me with the JESP scoring profile for each role?

    5. If there was a JESP assessment done, was this done by a UKRI employee, or third party?

    Published: 23 June 2021

  10. Request Received: 5 February 2021

    I would be very grateful if you could please provide the below information on the above funding competition for both:

    a) Stream 1 projects (6-18 months duration, eligible project costs between £25-£500k), and;

    b) Stream 2 projects (19-36 months duration, total eligible project costs between £25K-£2M).

    The information I would like to request is as follows:

    1. The total number of applications submitted and the number of those that were assessed (i.e. deemed eligible for funding);

    2. The overall number of applications awarded funding and a breakdown of how many of these were first-time applications and how many were resubmissions;

    3. The total number of applications within each innovation area and the number of those that were successful in each area;

    4. The average grant request and project size of the applications successfully awarded funding;

    5. The average score of successful applications;

    6. The percentages of successful applications that were Industrial Research and Experimental Development;

    7. The number of successful Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects that were (i) single applicant/partner, (ii) 2 partners, (iii) 3+ partner;

    8. The total funding allocated in this competition round.

    Published: 23 June 2021