Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 28 August 2020

    Please send me:

    The project titles and scores of applications that were successfully funded through Innovate UK's Sustainable Innovation Fund: Round 1 (temporary framework).

    Published: 22 June 2021

  2. Request Received: 13 January 2021

    Please provide answers to the following questions:

    1. How much money has been spent by Innovate UK on cell and gene therapy catapult?

    2. How much money has been spent on technology and digitisation? Alternatively, what have been the main areas of expenditure? What was the output of this spending? To clarify the question, how much funding was provided by Innovate UK to Cell and Gene Therapy annually since inception.

    3. How much money was given to commercial technology partners of cell and gene therapy catapult? Who are the commercial partners, what was their function, and what technology or digital solution or services were provided and how did it help the sector?

    4. How much money was spent with World Courier, DHL, ThermoFisher, Trakcel, Oxford Biomedica, and GSK? What was the purpose of the money and what was the result or outcome of such funding? What digital product and transformation was the result of such funding? To clarify the question, how much money has Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult provided to commercial partners annually, what was the money provided for and with which commercial partner, what products, solutions or outcomes was the funding for, and what specific identifiable outcomes, products or solutions were built or produced as a result of the funding provided to such commercial partners.

    5. How many NHS hospitals, clinics or manufacturers in the UK or overseas are utilising innovations in technology produced by Trakcel or World Courier, and how much in funding was provided to these companies? To clarify the question, where, when or with which other entities, are any of the commercial partners' products or solutions being used

    Published: 22 June 2021

  3. Request Received: 7 July 2020

    Would it be possible to get the ranked list of all proposals and the cut off for the 2019 capital call?

    The NERC website does not have this information available yet, and it would be useful to have for a planned submission for the next call later this year.

    Published: 22 June 2021

  4. Request Received: 7 August 2020

    I am looking for some assistance with your organisation's Spend/Transparency data, available on the following weblink:

    There appears to be no file available for the month of May 2020.

    Could you advise when the file will be made available to view online?

    Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the May 2020 file please & Thank you.

    Published: 22 June 2021

  5. Request Received: 5 September 2020

    I am looking for some assistance with your organisation's Spend/Transparency data, available on the following weblink:

    There appears to be no file available for the month of June 2020.

    Could you advise when the file will be made available to view online?

    Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the June 2020 file please & Thank you.

    Published: 22 June 2021

  6. Request Received: 2 February 2021

    I am looking for some assistance with your organisation's Spend/Transparency data, available on the following weblink:

    There appears to be no file available for the month of November 2020. Could you advise when the file will be made available to view online? Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the November 2020 file please and thank you

    Published: 22 June 2021

  7. Request Received: 18 January 2021

    Please can you publish/make available a breakdown of the Biomedical Catalyst 2020: round 1, early and late stage awards scheme; including;

    •Number of applications received / funded

    •The average / segmented size of applications supported

    •The average application score of the funded projects

    •The highest and lowest application score of those projects funded

    •The minutes of the committee meeting / details of the decision-making process related to the awards (as I understand application score isn't the only determinant)

    Published: 22 June 2021

  8. Request Received: 5 January 2021

    I want to submit a request for some information from the organisation, in relation to their contract's register. The FULL contract register should display all the organisations existing/live contracts I would like the register to display the following columns/headings:

    1. Contract Reference

    2. Contract Title

    3. Procurement Category

    4. Supplier Name

    5. Spend (Total or Annual)

    6. Contract Duration

    7. Contract Extensions

    8. Contract Starting Date

    9. Expiration Date

    10. Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.]

    11. Contact Owner (Full contact details if possible.)

    12. CPV codes/ProClass


    1. For those organisations planning to make an exemption around spend, the spend information I have requested is an overall figure and I am not requesting a complete breakdown of services relating to the spend.

    2. If the organisation has a CRM system or a similar system, there should be a facility to download and extract contract data.

    3. You may forward me a Weblink to a portal to download the contract register, please make sure all of the organisation's contracts are provided as doing prior research I have found that most organisations have only uploaded a small portion of all of their contracts.

    Please do not think that this is the only information I require if you could provide me with more information that would be great.

    Contract Data/API Contact Details

    13. Can you also provide me with contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract's register or someone responsible for API? [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address] At the very least provide me with their actual job title.

    (Meaning of API "a set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.")

    Published: 22 June 2021

  9. Request Received: 24 August 2020

    Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you please kindly answer the questions below.

    Telephony System

    1. What is your current telephony system?

    2. How many users of the telephony system?

    3. When is the contract up for renewal?

    4. If it isn't a VoIP system, will that be a consideration for the next contract cycle?

    5. The name and email address of the primary contact for this contract?

    6. Current annual spend?

    Mobile phone contracts

    1. Who is your current mobile phone provider?

    2. How many mobile connections?

    3. When is the contract up for renewal?

    4. How long do you contract for (24 or 36 months)?

    5. The name and email address of the primary contact for this contract?

    6. Current annual spend?

    Crown Commercial Services frameworks

    Do you procure through the Networks Services 2 framework? (RM3808 previously RM1045)

    Do you procure through the G-Cloud framework?

    Published: 22 June 2021

  10. Request Received: 5 February 2021

    Please provide:

    1) a copy of the UKRI grant funding application submitted by Sareum Limited, in respect of the exploration of the potential of the experimental drug SDC1801 in the treatment of Covid-19 related illness.

    2) a copy of the grant award notification.

    3) details of the timeline and anticipated milestones for the research project.

    Published: 22 June 2021