FOI release

FOI2024/00137 Follow up to FOI2023/00930 - Modern Slavery and Policy Evidence Centre

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00137

Published 3 June 2024


Request Received: 22 February 2024

Thanks for the further clarification.

So this means, just so I am clear, that you are formally reporting that you do not have minutes, summaries or additional records associated with the two meetings in 20218 referenced in your response to my request as follows;

A workshop was convened in October 2018 for researchers working in related fields as AHRC was investigating the appetite and scope for research in the area of modern slavery and human rights, partly with an aim to develop a bid to the UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund. There were 12 delegates from academia with 4 representatives from AHRC.

This was followed by a second workshop in November 2018 including non-academic stakeholders from arts, media, business, non-governmental organisations, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Home Office. The consortium was formed from the various attendees of these workshops who expressed an interest and availability in taking part in the Policy and Evidence Centre on Human Rights and Modern Slavery in line with the UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund timeline.

Or do you actually hold these documents (and the level of detail in your response suggests that you do have something on file), and have determined that these documents should be withheld. If this is fact the case I would ask that you clarify the legal grounds on which a decision to withhold has been made. This is not a peer review process, where I understand that reports by reviewers may sometimes be withheld from FOI.

I would have anticipated that the documents associated with these two meetings would have fallen under the rubric of my original request, but if you do not understand my previous request in this way can you now please take this email as a follow up FOI request which specifically asks for primary documentation associated with these two meetings and associated email correspondence regarding how and why specific people were invited to these meetings to be shared.

I believe this information is in the public interest and will be used for research purposes


Response Sent: 22 March 2024

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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